Bought cardstock for Rowan McCabe’s writing group anthology covers. Chatted with shop staff about the perils of printing. Made up a morning pages book. Did a fair bit of admin: workshops invoice, Poetry Jam, keyed in some notes. Transferred videos to hard drive. Listened to the new Behemoth album and The Struts. Read a few chapters of a novel called COWS by Graham Stokoe online. Watched a documentary about vaccine damage that won’t get seen by enough people. 10.33pm.
Sunday 2nd October 2022
Sausage and veg dinner. Then down by the river on the Sonder Frontier bike. Conditions not as bad as expected but sill a bit muddy in places. Different gears required for familiar climbs. Chatted to Mark and Tracy Speeding in Allensford carpark. Then home for tea and more notebook copy-ups. Read a couple of Jeff Miller’s ‘Ghost Pine’ stories. Off to bed. Mega early start tomorrow. 8.52pm.
Monday 3rd October 2022
Up at half-four to do morning pages then breakfast and bag pack for a 6.47am ride to Durham to get pamphlets printed at Waddington Street Centre. I only have a 75min window of opportunity to access the printer before office staff need it. First batch of pages printed fine, but unfortunately the light cream card for covers started scumming up, need something else. Thankfully, the craft shop exchanged stock. Folded fifty sets of pages with endpapers. Out this evening to the Lit and Phil for great launch of Mel McEvoy’s “Wading into the Light” and Pauline Plummer’s “Life Pours Ordinary Plenty” poetry books. Chatted to Steve and Pauline May, Gene Groves and Alistair Robinson. Buses home were fine, even had time for a pitstop to buy bread and microwave rice from Consett Tesco, where I also picked up a copy of Consett Magazine expecting an article from Lorraine Weightman, but pleasantly surprised to find an article on Consett Writers Group and some pix from Poetry Jam. Also retrieved my mislaid hat from this morning on the bus back to Moorside. 11.44pm.
Tuesday 4th October 2022
Dentist put temporary resin around filling on my broken tooth, but I’ve got to go back in a fortnight for the real fix. I slept on the bus to Durham. Some great writing produced by the group at Waddy this afternoon. Lazy evening. Watching a bit of Katie Kookaburra and friends gravel riding on the Isle of Arran and a compilation of Jeff Lenosky bike clips. Love the rock riding but not so much headcam trail park footage. I checked out listings for Consett Empire. The Pitman Poets are performing there this Friday. There are a few upcoming live rock music nights and a couple of comedy store events… I looked at photos of Swans vinyl box sets hand painted by Jarboe. Listened to The Struts and watched a bit of a Pistols documentary. Early night so I can get up to print more books at Waddy. 9.21pm.
Wednesday 5th October 2022
Bus held up in traffic was 25 minutes late, so I didn’t get to Durham till quarter past eight. By the time the printer was up and running it was nearly half-past so only got pages, not covers, printed this morning in the half hour before Waddy office staff arrived. Back home I folded all the pages by half-one. Had veggie chilli and rice then out to Jen’s place for an hour or so. She didn’t feel able to make it out to the Lit and Phil which is a pity coz she wanted to see Degna Stone. Also on the bill, Bernadette McAloon and Paul Summers. I bought Blueprint poetry pamphlets of all three. Lovely readings, powerful. All done by half-eight, which meant I was able to get straight back to Consett then walk home and here I am, in bed, scribbling a couple of minutes after ten. Due to this morning’s delay I need to be up just after five tomorrow for another printing session. 10.04pm.
Thursday 6th October 2022
Bus was stuck in traffic again for 28 minutes. But thankfully the covers for the Route2Work College pamphlet weren’t a problem. It was a four-hour round trip to Waddy but pleased to have everything printed now. I measured and scored the backs of the covers this afternoon then headed back to Durham for Poetry Jam. It was a brilliant night. Quite a few people read environmental poems. And there were some dog poems as well. Steve May’s set was superb. I don’t know how he hasn’t got books out yet. Rue Collinge was great. A shame she had to leave early. Donald Jenkins was a full-on radge packet and laugh-out-loud hilarious in equal measure. We had some new people in. Great turns on the open floor sections. Lovely to see Mandy Maxwell, Steve Lancaster, Mel McEvoy and others. I read two Fragments from the Inside of my Smile and a piece from Shades of Grey. The bus back was superfast. Home in 45 minutes. Ace day. 11.20pm.
Friday 7th October 2022
Up quite early, but not out till eleven for a two o’clock workshop. Bit annoying not being able to rely on the buses. Sod’s law, today I was there an hour early. I went to the free bookshop and picked up ‘The Way We Live’ by Kathleen Jamie, ‘Live from the Cliff of Ghosts’ by Chris Hill and ‘Pig Island’ by Mo Hayder. We had four newcomers to the workshop. Had to print more copies of the handouts. Finished a bit later than usual. Missed the half-four bus. Or rather, it never turned up – I reached the bus stop in reasonable time. Didn’t get home till half-six. Had baked potato with tuna and beans then straight back out on the 7.13pm bus to Tesco. Got my stuff, all with price hikes. Then went for a bus home. It didn’t come so I walked. Spent the rest of the evening on social media and looking at pamphlets. OK. 11.00pm.
Saturday 8th October 2022
Up at eight, scoring and folding pamphlet covers at half past. Spent the day stapling and trimming. Knocked off at half-five due to backache and fading natural light. So chuffed it’s been sunny and bright. Can’t work in artificial light. I just chilled tonight with some bike stuff and hilarious Martin Atkins (Pigface, PIL, Nine Inch Nails, Killing Joke) marketing tips. He is absurd and genius at the same time. 10.45pm.
Sunday 9th October 2022
At the table by nine. Thought I’d complete the pamphlets today but found trimming tough going. Pains in left wrist and lower back. Only top edges to trim tomorrow. Had a giant Yorkshire pudding filled with veg and mince tonight. First time in years. Uploaded Mandy Maxwell’s dog poem clip and listened to TV Smith. Watched a few bike videos. Easier day tomorrow. 10.27pm.
Monday 10th October 2022
Another full shift finishing off pamphlets for Slam Fresh. I packed them in parcels of ten so they wouldn’t rattle in the box and risk dogears on delivery. 100 copies weigh quite a bit. Looked at poetry and prose for tomorrow’s Uplifting Stories session at Waddy. Most of my published stuff is pretty grim. I’m using stuff from workshops coz it’s a bit lighter, but not much substance. Quite a lot is cartoonish and throwaway. I got Splatterpunk magazine in the post today. It’s a 36-page (incl cover) A5 b/w print booklet of extreme horror. The editorial calls for writers to make zines and chapbooks on photocopiers. Music to my ears. I want to do more such stuff. Need to pull my socks up. 10.43pm.
Tuesday 11th October 2022
Awoke too early and couldn’t get back to sleep. Went to the bank in Durham and found I haven’t been paid so only two quid in my current account. Prepped with Waddington Street Writers for a lunchtime World Mental Health reading. It was a tough gig. Crammed into a corner, no room to move. No room for papers. Lots of noise and distractions. Nothing like Poetry Jam. But the group did well, and people liked the poems. It was good to do it and know that things will rarely be that difficult. I had a mental block during my intro to ‘Coming Back to This’. I got home early but absolutely knackered. Tried to work tonight. Fucked up a pamphlet sample. Lay down and listened to fascinating Martin Atkins interview about his time in Public Image Limited. Listened to some of his Pigface music. I want to read his Tour Smart book. 10.08pm.
Wednesday 12th October 2022
Been on Tyneside since 10.30am. Apart from the hour me and Rowan McCabe were in South Shields to deliver copies of the poetry anthology for Route2Work College students. They are usually based in Jarrow but today were at Marsden Health Centre. The buses were on strike and the metro route was curtailed so we got picked up by one of the staff. The anthology was well received. Pleased to get it done. I’ve had two steak pies. I’ve looked at numerous horror anthologies, DVDs and Halloween shirts. I’ve asked the young staff of Damaged Society if the goth shoes go bigger than size eight. I’ve checked out the Hope Pro 4 rear hub engagement on a seven-grand mountain bike in Start Cycles. I’ve seen two poets called Phillipa (Briggs and McDonald) perform at Born Lippy, as well as comedian Nicola Mantalios, poet Leon the Pig Farmer, Soreslap Theatre, poet Tolu Akinyem and singer songwriter Sam Thomas. Fingers crossed, the X45 bus turns up. Thirteen hours. Now I’m just dog-tired and ready for my bed. If the bus doesn’t come, I’ll walk over to Jen’s place. 11.12pm.
Thursday 13th October 2022
Read a review of a dark novel called ‘Tender is the Flesh’ about dystopian cannibalism so I ordered it from Consett library. I have lots of grim reading matter lined up for a cold winter. King Ink spoken word featured new voices, good poems, humour, and sadness tonight. I took a notion to read four pieces from Shades of Grey. We finished early so I wandered awhile then went to get the 9.10pm bus to Consett. But for a reason I’ve yet to discover it now comes at 8.55pm. I bought chips and wandered the streets for best part of an hour. I boarded a bus due to leave at five past ten, but it was still stalled with no lights on till after ten-past. Had the earlier bus been delayed likewise I’d have made it coz my first attempt was 8.59pm. Wish I got out on my bike today. Wish I’d not been so tired this week. One more public engagement and I’m done till next Tuesday. OK. 10.17pm.
Friday 14th October 2022
Pleased to get a night in the house. I watched Ali Clarkson’s video footage of his entry into a British Biketrial competition on a custom-built 20-year-old Giant trials bike at Shipley Glen. Sections were mostly on big rocks with some extremely treacherous bits here and there. Also checked out some recent photos of the new Hellraiser film. I’m well tired after all the out and about and bookmaking and I’m looking forward to a lie in tomorrow. The Bullion Hall workshop was pretty good. We did some ‘What Matters?’ and ‘Home’ pieces plus character sketches and discussed poetic form. Went to Tesco for weekly supplies. The bus to Moorside didn’t appear so I walked in the drizzle. Probably eaten way too much today. Cheese biscuits. Apple strudel biscuits. Chocolate. Egg sandwiches. Sausage sandwiches. Hope I get out on the bike tomorrow. 11.15pm.
Saturday 15th October 2022
Awoke far too early but had a good session at the computer editing the Poetry Jam stuff that I didn’t get round to last weekend. Put a few videos online as well. I wanted a bike ride, but the weather was shit. Luckily it eased off for a walk to Consett for the bus to Tyneside. I had to walk back to Bensham from Newcastle coz the X45 doesn’t stop near Jen’s place anymore. We had a natter about politics and watched The Voice and then a mint One Foot in the Grave. 11.40pm.
Sunday 16th October 2022
Big lie in. Chilli and rice. The Simpsons. Then out to check finances and grab supplies for tea. We watched a documentary about magicians and charlatans. Then a film called ‘I used to be Famous’ about an ex-boyband singer down on his luck. Read more of ‘The Yearning of the Yew’ by Margaret Armstrong on the bus. Walked from Consett and had more food. 11.40pm.
Monday 17th October 2022
First bike ride in over a fortnight. A bit squelchy out in the woods. And streams are a bit deeper, but I still had fun. Even managed a bit of heave-ho shunting over forked branches of a fallen tree. A good couple of hours fresh air. Back home by half-five. Another fortnight and it’ll be dark by that time. I typed up three lesson plans today and selected material for tomorrow. I read responses to C-Hunt’s U-turn on the mini budget. Will Liz Truss go? I refuse to listen to her interviews. I refused to listen to any of the election hustings. Hopefully they’ll be gone by Xmas. Politically dead and fucking buried. I pulled out possible pieces for open mic at tomorrow’s Under the Arches. It’s always good to find stuff that surprises and is worth sharing. 11.08pm.
Tuesday 18th October 2022
Shaved, found soap, and clean clothes. Out by half-ten, in Waddy an hour later after reading a substantial portion of ‘…Yew’ by Margaret Armstrong. It’s really picking up pace now. The supernatural stuff is getting stronger. I like the County Durham references and contemporary feel. The dialogue is strong, and description isn’t excessive. My workshop was a bit blokey. Prose was okay but shift to Ghazal was a fucking disaster. Read more of the novel on the bus to Jen’s. She did a feature set at Under the Arches spoken word night in Tynemouth. I knew the poems but was massively impressed with the structure and intros. All the people on open mic were very good. A schoolteacher read some great pieces about second language learning. And there were some ghost stories. Penny did a fairy-tale monologue at the end. Metro from Tynemouth to Newcastle. Chips and last bus home. Fantastic night. 11.50pm.
Wednesday 19th October 2022
Bus was stuck in traffic again for 28 minutes. But thankfully the covers for the Route2Work College pamphlet weren’t a problem. It was a four-hour round trip to Waddy but pleased to have everything printed now. I measured and scored the backs of the covers this afternoon then headed back to Durham for Poetry Jam. It was a brilliant night. Quite a few people read environmental poems. And there were some dog poems as well. Steve May’s set was superb. I don’t know how he hasn’t got books out yet. Rue Collinge was great. A shame she had to leave early. Donald Jenkins was a full-on radge packet and laugh-out-loud hilarious in equal measure. We had some new people in. Great turns on the open floor sections. Lovely to see Mandy Maxwell, Steve Lancaster, Mel McEvoy and others. I read two Fragments from the Inside of my Smile and a piece from Shades of Grey. The bus back was superfast. Home in 45 minutes. Ace day. 11.20pm.
Friday 7th October 2022
Up quite early, but not out till eleven for a two o’clock workshop. Bit annoying not being able to rely on the buses. Sod’s law, today I was there an hour early. I went to the free bookshop and picked up ‘The Way We Live’ by Kathleen Jamie, ‘Live from the Cliff of Ghosts’ by Chris Hill and ‘Pig Island’ by Mo Hayder. We had four newcomers to the workshop. Had to print more copies of the handouts. Finished a bit later than usual. Missed the half-four bus. Or rather, it never turned up – I reached the bus stop in reasonable time. Didn’t get home till half-six. Had baked potato with tuna and beans then straight back out on the 7.13pm bus to Tesco. Got my stuff, all with price hikes. Then went for a bus home. It didn’t come so I walked. Spent the rest of the evening on social media and looking at pamphlets. OK. 11.00pm.
Saturday 8th October 2022
Up at eight, scoring and folding pamphlet covers at half past. Spent the day stapling and trimming. Knocked off at half-five due to backache and fading natural light. So chuffed it’s been sunny and bright. Can’t work in artificial light. I just chilled tonight with some bike stuff and hilarious Martin Atkins (Pigface, PIL, Nine Inch Nails, Killing Joke) marketing tips. He is absurd and genius at the same time. 10.45pm.
Sunday 9th October 2022
At the table by nine. Thought I’d complete the pamphlets today but found trimming tough going. Pains in left wrist and lower back. Only top edges to trim tomorrow. Had a giant Yorkshire pudding filled with veg and mince tonight. First time in years. Uploaded Mandy Maxwell’s dog poem clip and listened to TV Smith. Watched a few bike videos. Easier day tomorrow. 10.27pm.
Monday 10th October 2022
Another full shift finishing off pamphlets for Slam Fresh. I packed them in parcels of ten so they wouldn’t rattle in the box and risk dogears on delivery. 100 copies weigh quite a bit. Looked at poetry and prose for tomorrow’s Uplifting Stories session at Waddy. Most of my published stuff is pretty grim. I’m using stuff from workshops coz it’s a bit lighter, but not much substance. Quite a lot is cartoonish and throwaway. I got Splatterpunk magazine in the post today. It’s a 36-page (incl cover) A5 b/w print booklet of extreme horror. The editorial calls for writers to make zines and chapbooks on photocopiers. Music to my ears. I want to do more such stuff. Need to pull my socks up. 10.43pm.
Tuesday 11th October 2022
Awoke too early and couldn’t get back to sleep. Went to the bank in Durham and found I haven’t been paid so only two quid in my current account. Prepped with Waddington Street Writers for a lunchtime World Mental Health reading. It was a tough gig. Crammed into a corner, no room to move. No room for papers. Lots of noise and distractions. Nothing like Poetry Jam. But the group did well, and people liked the poems. It was good to do it and know that things will rarely be that difficult. I had a mental block during my intro to ‘Coming Back to This’. I got home early but absolutely knackered. Tried to work tonight. Fucked up a pamphlet sample. Lay down and listened to fascinating Martin Atkins interview about his time in Public Image Limited. Listened to some of his Pigface music. I want to read his Tour Smart book. 10.08pm.
Wednesday 12th October 2022
Been on Tyneside since 10.30am. Apart from the hour me and Rowan McCabe were in South Shields to deliver copies of the poetry anthology for Route2Work College students. They are usually based in Jarrow but today were at Marsden Health Centre. The buses were on strike and the metro route was curtailed so we got picked up by one of the staff. The anthology was well received. Pleased to get it done. I’ve had two steak pies. I’ve looked at numerous horror anthologies, DVDs and Halloween shirts. I’ve asked the young staff of Damaged Society if the goth shoes go bigger than size eight. I’ve checked out the Hope Pro 4 rear hub engagement on a seven-grand mountain bike in Start Cycles. I’ve seen two poets called Phillipa (Briggs and McDonald) perform at Born Lippy, as well as comedian Nicola Mantalios, poet Leon the Pig Farmer, Soreslap Theatre, poet Tolu Akinyem and singer songwriter Sam Thomas. Fingers crossed, the X45 bus turns up. Thirteen hours. Now I’m just dog-tired and ready for my bed. If the bus doesn’t come, I’ll walk over to Jen’s place. 11.12pm.
Thursday 13th October 2022
Read a review of a dark novel called ‘Tender is the Flesh’ about dystopian cannibalism so I ordered it from Consett library. I have lots of grim reading matter lined up for a cold winter. King Ink spoken word featured new voices, good poems, humour, and sadness tonight. I took a notion to read four pieces from Shades of Grey. We finished early so I wandered awhile then went to get the 9.10pm bus to Consett. But for a reason I’ve yet to discover it now comes at 8.55pm. I bought chips and wandered the streets for best part of an hour. I boarded a bus due to leave at five past ten, but it was still stalled with no lights on till after ten-past. Had the earlier bus been delayed likewise I’d have made it coz my first attempt was 8.59pm. Wish I got out on my bike today. Wish I’d not been so tired this week. One more public engagement and I’m done till next Tuesday. OK. 10.17pm.
Friday 14th October 2022
Pleased to get a night in the house. I watched Ali Clarkson’s video footage of his entry into a British Biketrial competition on a custom-built 20-year-old Giant trials bike at Shipley Glen. Sections were mostly on big rocks with some extremely treacherous bits here and there. Also checked out some recent photos of the new Hellraiser film. I’m well tired after all the out and about and bookmaking and I’m looking forward to a lie in tomorrow. The Bullion Hall workshop was pretty good. We did some ‘What Matters?’ and ‘Home’ pieces plus character sketches and discussed poetic form. Went to Tesco for weekly supplies. The bus to Moorside didn’t appear so I walked in the drizzle. Probably eaten way too much today. Cheese biscuits. Apple strudel biscuits. Chocolate. Egg sandwiches. Sausage sandwiches. Hope I get out on the bike tomorrow. 11.15pm.
Saturday 15th October 2022
Awoke far too early but had a good session at the computer editing the Poetry Jam stuff that I didn’t get round to last weekend. Put a few videos online as well. I wanted a bike ride, but the weather was shit. Luckily it eased off for a walk to Consett for the bus to Tyneside. I had to walk back to Bensham from Newcastle coz the X45 doesn’t stop near Jen’s place anymore. We had a natter about politics and watched The Voice and then a mint One Foot in the Grave. 11.40pm.
Sunday 16th October 2022
Big lie in. Chilli and rice. The Simpsons. Then out to check finances and grab supplies for tea. We watched a documentary about magicians and charlatans. Then a film called ‘I used to be Famous’ about an ex-boyband singer down on his luck. Read more of ‘The Yearning of the Yew’ by Margaret Armstrong on the bus. Walked from Consett and had more food. 11.40pm.
Monday 17th October 2022
First bike ride in over a fortnight. A bit squelchy out in the woods. And streams are a bit deeper, but I still had fun. Even managed a bit of heave-ho shunting over forked branches of a fallen tree. A good couple of hours fresh air. Back home by half-five. Another fortnight and it’ll be dark by that time. I typed up three lesson plans today and selected material for tomorrow. I read responses to C-Hunt’s U-turn on the mini budget. Will Liz Truss go? I refuse to listen to her interviews. I refused to listen to any of the election hustings. Hopefully they’ll be gone by Xmas. Politically dead and fucking buried. I pulled out possible pieces for open mic at tomorrow’s Under the Arches. It’s always good to find stuff that surprises and is worth sharing. 11.08pm.
Tuesday 18th October 2022
Shaved, found soap, and clean clothes. Out by half-ten, in Waddy an hour later after reading a substantial portion of ‘…Yew’ by Margaret Armstrong. It’s really picking up pace now. The supernatural stuff is getting stronger. I like the County Durham references and contemporary feel. The dialogue is strong, and description isn’t excessive. My workshop was a bit blokey. Prose was okay but shift to Ghazal was a fucking disaster. Read more of the novel on the bus to Jen’s. She did a feature set at Under the Arches spoken word night in Tynemouth. I knew the poems but was massively impressed with the structure and intros. All the people on open mic were very good. A schoolteacher read some great pieces about second language learning. And there were some ghost stories. Penny did a fairy-tale monologue at the end. Metro from Tynemouth to Newcastle. Chips and last bus home. Fantastic night. 11.50pm.
Wednesday 19th October 2022
Lazy morning, looking at political shit before making up a couple of sample copies of a pamphlet reprint. Then out to sort finances, buy food supplies. And a couple of charity shop DVDs for Halloween: The Cabin in the Woods and Francis Ford Coppola’s Dracula. I read the rest of “The Yearning of the Yew” by Margaret Armstrong. Really enjoyed it. The supernatural elements are quite subtle, and the plot is quite easy to follow but the ending really pulls the two timeframes together. At present I’m sucked into the parliament bullshit as fights break out in the lobbies before fracking vote. Some MPs resigned then were reinstated. Some say the whole shit shower should go. I’ve scrolled a bit of Twitter coz it’s more up to date than the BBC. Surely the fools are finished now. 11.36pm.
Thursday 20th October 2022
Regurgitated social media intake onto paper this morning and posted it online as poetry. Had to tone it down a bit but still showed how much the ways of the world presently boil my piss. I saw the Truss resignation speech. Pleased she’s gone. Not pleased that some want Johnson back. I did Poetry Jam stuff this afternoon and evening. Watched a clip of the Hanoi Rocks reunion gig (Tragedy) from last month. Looked at some Sci-Fi and horror stuff. My feet are numb. Circulation is poor. Right arm aches before I’ve finished morning pages. Pleased to get my workshop planned tonight. Lots of printouts. But I’ll get a Waddy session out of it as well. 10.24pm.
Friday 21st October 2022
Woke up at twenty past five and couldn’t get back to sleep. By half-nine I was starting to get a bit tired. I didn’t leave the house till half-eleven. Bought a chicken and bacon sandwich in Consett then read a bit of Black Static magazine on the bus to Chester le Street. The stories were okay but not very dark. I got to Bullion Hall around ten past one. Only three in the session but it was a good one. ‘This is just to say’, Triolet, Sonnet, Sestina. Ended with Brian Patten’s ‘Dear Mum’ poem. I bused back to Consett and fell asleep a bit. I bought a cheap bag of sausages, but they weren’t great. I was only home about an hour then back out to Jen’s place. Fell asleep again. Got chips in Newcastle to take back to the house on yet another bus. We watched Saturday Night Live featuring Ben Elton and friends. Canny day. 11.10pm.
Saturday 22nd October 2022
Big lie in and big politics discussion this morning with Jenni. We went out this afternoon for supplies and looked around some charity shops. Been following speculation on the upcoming leadership election. Had some big snacks and moderate meals. Pie and beans, peanut butter on crusty bread. Chocolate biscuits. The Voice on TV. OK. 11.00pm.
Sunday 23rd October 2022
Another long lie in. Me and Jenni had a big curry and rice dinner with naan bread. Watched a mint John Otway documentary. Some of his ambitions are somewhat delusional but the bloke is good performer and likeable. Whereas the idiot trying to make a political comeback is just a serial liar and total charlatan. General Election by Xmas? 11.38pm.
Monday 24th October 2022
Good to have a Monday off. Got online security sorted. Sonder bike cleaned up after last week’s big mud fest. Then a ride on the old Rockhopper over to Annfield Plain and back this afternoon. I’ll be using that bike more now that riding will be mostly on cycle paths due to trails being muddy. Struggling to get a good flow with the pen lately. I have a bit of RSI in my right hand at present. Which is making things a little difficult. Great Yorkshire pudding, veg and mince tea. This evening I watched a Kurt Cobain documentary. Then a Charles Bukowski documentary and a Katie Kookaburra video about saddle position and difficult hill climbs on her road bike. Off to bed early in hopes of reading a short story. 9.38pm.
Tuesday 25th October 2022
Hand is still a bit strained, so typing is a real chore. I think I’ve listened to about five hours of Martin Atkins doing spoken word and interviews on YouTube whilst wrestling with the keyboard and notebooks. Atkins is such a funny guy. And his advice about self-promotion for bands and artists is so off the wall but insightful. I’d love to attend one of his ‘lectures’ but the closest he’s coming next month is Hull. And it’s a hellish ride even by train. I read somewhere that he’ll be back next year. I loved his stories about being in Public Image Limited and his lecture on album packaging. I saw a video of Rishi Sunak talking about introducing Central Bank Digital Currency in the UK. Wave goodbye to cash or wave goodbye to this government. Long day, but up to date on journals. 10.45pm.
Wednesday 26th October 2022
Where did today go? I’ve started to re-read morning pages from January and I’m not sure how much to use in a book. There’s a lot of covid ranting that will be very off-putting to a lot of people I’d imagine. But if you whitewash it all away it gives a false impression. After all, it was the month of ‘partygate’ and ‘omicron’ – and I hate both those words… The dentist fixed my tooth but gave me a reprimand for poor dental hygiene. Yes, I brush my teeth. And yes, I use mouthwash. But I don’t floss between those twisted fucked-up bity bits. Weather today was quite mild. I wish there was time for a bike ride this morning. My cousin Gordon asked about my damaged roof. Haven’t got round to it yet. I phoned Mam and Ernie. Both have been poorly. I had chicken soup for tea to avoid giving the new filing any grief before it’s had time to set. I saw footage of Becky Baldwin playing bass for Mercyful Fate in Texas while their bassist is elsewhere with Armoured Saint and Becky’s boyfriend covers her bass duties in Fury this autumn in the UK. 10.39pm.
Thursday 27th October 2022
Today has been pretty good. I sorted out the dodgy access to college computer remote system with help from IT Dept without having a hissy fit. I knocked up booklets for tomorrow’s writing half marathon in Chester le Street. All the prompts are selected. I read a short story this afternoon by American writer Aron Beauregard called The Hunger about a hermit who steals baked beans and kills a teenager. Messaged Stephen Clark about Jarboe gig and splatterpunk stories then had a beef curry. Later I read a couple of mild UK horror stories from a mental health anthology. Listened to a Jarboe interview, an Aran Beauregard interview, and checked the latter’s website. Had a sausage sandwich for supper and unblocked the kitchen sink. Read a story from Bukowski’s ‘South of No North’ about two people getting together via an advertisement on a parked car. Oh, and I read Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe. More Bukowski before bed. OK. 11.03pm.
Thursday 20th October 2022
Regurgitated social media intake onto paper this morning and posted it online as poetry. Had to tone it down a bit but still showed how much the ways of the world presently boil my piss. I saw the Truss resignation speech. Pleased she’s gone. Not pleased that some want Johnson back. I did Poetry Jam stuff this afternoon and evening. Watched a clip of the Hanoi Rocks reunion gig (Tragedy) from last month. Looked at some Sci-Fi and horror stuff. My feet are numb. Circulation is poor. Right arm aches before I’ve finished morning pages. Pleased to get my workshop planned tonight. Lots of printouts. But I’ll get a Waddy session out of it as well. 10.24pm.
Friday 21st October 2022
Woke up at twenty past five and couldn’t get back to sleep. By half-nine I was starting to get a bit tired. I didn’t leave the house till half-eleven. Bought a chicken and bacon sandwich in Consett then read a bit of Black Static magazine on the bus to Chester le Street. The stories were okay but not very dark. I got to Bullion Hall around ten past one. Only three in the session but it was a good one. ‘This is just to say’, Triolet, Sonnet, Sestina. Ended with Brian Patten’s ‘Dear Mum’ poem. I bused back to Consett and fell asleep a bit. I bought a cheap bag of sausages, but they weren’t great. I was only home about an hour then back out to Jen’s place. Fell asleep again. Got chips in Newcastle to take back to the house on yet another bus. We watched Saturday Night Live featuring Ben Elton and friends. Canny day. 11.10pm.
Saturday 22nd October 2022
Big lie in and big politics discussion this morning with Jenni. We went out this afternoon for supplies and looked around some charity shops. Been following speculation on the upcoming leadership election. Had some big snacks and moderate meals. Pie and beans, peanut butter on crusty bread. Chocolate biscuits. The Voice on TV. OK. 11.00pm.
Sunday 23rd October 2022
Another long lie in. Me and Jenni had a big curry and rice dinner with naan bread. Watched a mint John Otway documentary. Some of his ambitions are somewhat delusional but the bloke is good performer and likeable. Whereas the idiot trying to make a political comeback is just a serial liar and total charlatan. General Election by Xmas? 11.38pm.
Monday 24th October 2022
Good to have a Monday off. Got online security sorted. Sonder bike cleaned up after last week’s big mud fest. Then a ride on the old Rockhopper over to Annfield Plain and back this afternoon. I’ll be using that bike more now that riding will be mostly on cycle paths due to trails being muddy. Struggling to get a good flow with the pen lately. I have a bit of RSI in my right hand at present. Which is making things a little difficult. Great Yorkshire pudding, veg and mince tea. This evening I watched a Kurt Cobain documentary. Then a Charles Bukowski documentary and a Katie Kookaburra video about saddle position and difficult hill climbs on her road bike. Off to bed early in hopes of reading a short story. 9.38pm.
Tuesday 25th October 2022
Hand is still a bit strained, so typing is a real chore. I think I’ve listened to about five hours of Martin Atkins doing spoken word and interviews on YouTube whilst wrestling with the keyboard and notebooks. Atkins is such a funny guy. And his advice about self-promotion for bands and artists is so off the wall but insightful. I’d love to attend one of his ‘lectures’ but the closest he’s coming next month is Hull. And it’s a hellish ride even by train. I read somewhere that he’ll be back next year. I loved his stories about being in Public Image Limited and his lecture on album packaging. I saw a video of Rishi Sunak talking about introducing Central Bank Digital Currency in the UK. Wave goodbye to cash or wave goodbye to this government. Long day, but up to date on journals. 10.45pm.
Wednesday 26th October 2022
Where did today go? I’ve started to re-read morning pages from January and I’m not sure how much to use in a book. There’s a lot of covid ranting that will be very off-putting to a lot of people I’d imagine. But if you whitewash it all away it gives a false impression. After all, it was the month of ‘partygate’ and ‘omicron’ – and I hate both those words… The dentist fixed my tooth but gave me a reprimand for poor dental hygiene. Yes, I brush my teeth. And yes, I use mouthwash. But I don’t floss between those twisted fucked-up bity bits. Weather today was quite mild. I wish there was time for a bike ride this morning. My cousin Gordon asked about my damaged roof. Haven’t got round to it yet. I phoned Mam and Ernie. Both have been poorly. I had chicken soup for tea to avoid giving the new filing any grief before it’s had time to set. I saw footage of Becky Baldwin playing bass for Mercyful Fate in Texas while their bassist is elsewhere with Armoured Saint and Becky’s boyfriend covers her bass duties in Fury this autumn in the UK. 10.39pm.
Thursday 27th October 2022
Today has been pretty good. I sorted out the dodgy access to college computer remote system with help from IT Dept without having a hissy fit. I knocked up booklets for tomorrow’s writing half marathon in Chester le Street. All the prompts are selected. I read a short story this afternoon by American writer Aron Beauregard called The Hunger about a hermit who steals baked beans and kills a teenager. Messaged Stephen Clark about Jarboe gig and splatterpunk stories then had a beef curry. Later I read a couple of mild UK horror stories from a mental health anthology. Listened to a Jarboe interview, an Aran Beauregard interview, and checked the latter’s website. Had a sausage sandwich for supper and unblocked the kitchen sink. Read a story from Bukowski’s ‘South of No North’ about two people getting together via an advertisement on a parked car. Oh, and I read Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe. More Bukowski before bed. OK. 11.03pm.
Friday 28th October 2022
Bit of a lie in before the workshop today. I’ve been looking for gel to take the sting out of my thumbs - carpal tunnel, RSI, tendonitis, whatever – but to no avail. Picked up the “Tender is the Flesh” book about human meat consumption from Consett Library. Found myself getting a little queasy reading it on the bus. Set up at Bullion Hall was easy. Four of us did a writing half marathon. Six or seven rounds of writing. The writers settled in well and met all the challenges. I’ve got one or two pieces that could be developed for publication. Read more ‘Tender is the Flesh’ on the way to Jen’s and got queasy again. Had chicken risotto for tea. We tried to watch Steven Berkoff’s 30-min Tell Tale Heart performance, but the video quality was awful. So we switched to Jack and Victor from Still Game on their whisky promo tour of Scottish Co-Op stores. Laughed at an early 1970s satanic horror film, and Bono on Graham Norton Show. 11.12pm.
Bit of a lie in before the workshop today. I’ve been looking for gel to take the sting out of my thumbs - carpal tunnel, RSI, tendonitis, whatever – but to no avail. Picked up the “Tender is the Flesh” book about human meat consumption from Consett Library. Found myself getting a little queasy reading it on the bus. Set up at Bullion Hall was easy. Four of us did a writing half marathon. Six or seven rounds of writing. The writers settled in well and met all the challenges. I’ve got one or two pieces that could be developed for publication. Read more ‘Tender is the Flesh’ on the way to Jen’s and got queasy again. Had chicken risotto for tea. We tried to watch Steven Berkoff’s 30-min Tell Tale Heart performance, but the video quality was awful. So we switched to Jack and Victor from Still Game on their whisky promo tour of Scottish Co-Op stores. Laughed at an early 1970s satanic horror film, and Bono on Graham Norton Show. 11.12pm.
Saturday 29th October 2022
Big lie in. Waited till mid-afternoon to hit Newcastle. I bought endpapers for another reprint of Elaine Cusack’s “Loose Threads and Sacred Spaces” pamphlet. Jen got a load of household supplies and unblocked a sink. I had another chicken risotto for tea. This time with lashings of apple sauce. Watched the Chase and The Voice on TV. 11.22pm.
Sunday 30th October 2022
Quite warm. Me and Jenni watched a lot of 70s and 80s music videos on TV. Jenni made us a big veggie dinner with mushroom sausages. We watched some gameshows and a couple of episodes of One Foot in the Grave. Evening bus ticket prices have increased by 15%. Pleased the rain stopped. Walked from Consett to Moorside. House isn’t cold. I might read for a while. 11.26pm.
Big lie in. Waited till mid-afternoon to hit Newcastle. I bought endpapers for another reprint of Elaine Cusack’s “Loose Threads and Sacred Spaces” pamphlet. Jen got a load of household supplies and unblocked a sink. I had another chicken risotto for tea. This time with lashings of apple sauce. Watched the Chase and The Voice on TV. 11.22pm.
Sunday 30th October 2022
Quite warm. Me and Jenni watched a lot of 70s and 80s music videos on TV. Jenni made us a big veggie dinner with mushroom sausages. We watched some gameshows and a couple of episodes of One Foot in the Grave. Evening bus ticket prices have increased by 15%. Pleased the rain stopped. Walked from Consett to Moorside. House isn’t cold. I might read for a while. 11.26pm.
Monday 31st October 2022
Happy Halloween! I spent a fair bit of time editing the previous journal entries. Much of what I scribble at the end of each day is totally mixed up, so I try to make it chronological. Sometimes it still remains a bit random. I hoped to get out on the bike, but I finished nothing except an invoice and Poetry Jam promotion. I watched Hellraiser again tonight. I think the film stands up very well after thirty-five years. I love seeing Frank brought back to life. And Julia become a nasty piece of work. And the cenobites are still formidable. I tried to watch The Cabin in the Woods afterwards but fell asleep. Later, I reverted to the Hellraiser extras for some fascinating documentaries and interviews with an extremely dedicated cast and crew. Top Stuff. 11.30pm.
Happy Halloween! I spent a fair bit of time editing the previous journal entries. Much of what I scribble at the end of each day is totally mixed up, so I try to make it chronological. Sometimes it still remains a bit random. I hoped to get out on the bike, but I finished nothing except an invoice and Poetry Jam promotion. I watched Hellraiser again tonight. I think the film stands up very well after thirty-five years. I love seeing Frank brought back to life. And Julia become a nasty piece of work. And the cenobites are still formidable. I tried to watch The Cabin in the Woods afterwards but fell asleep. Later, I reverted to the Hellraiser extras for some fascinating documentaries and interviews with an extremely dedicated cast and crew. Top Stuff. 11.30pm.
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