
Tuesday, 3 October 2023


Friday 1st September 2023

Big list for what needs to be done next week. Out for more supplies. Some stationery and a watch battery. I bought new lightbulbs but got screwcap instead of bayonet cap by mistake. Got no work done. Totally exhausted all afternoon. Tried to log on to the college system for online training and couldn’t. I watched a great film called Metalhead about a girl who turns to music to cope with the tragic loss of her elder brother. I didn’t think I’d be able to last 100 minutes with subtitles, but it was excellent. I watched a few Adrian Mitchell poems as well. And listened to Bastette, Noel Gallagher and Sinead O’Connor. I’ve had a chicken dinner, and mature cheddar on multiseed bread. I wanted to read but just feel wrecked. I’m so far behind in my work now, I don’t think I’ll catch up. I’m taking next year off. 10.29pm.

Saturday 2nd September 2023

Bit livelier this morning. Got my lightbulbs changed. Read my ‘Big Old Left Toe’ in its entirety. Making more copies on Monday. I went back to Consett for extra supplies then on to Newcastle for book endpapers. Got to Jen’s around five after a brutal fully heated bus. Watched gameshows and a bunch of pop music videos from 1989. OK. 10.22pm.

Sunday 3rd September 2023

Lazy day except for a walk into town to get a big food supply for Jenni. Took me four rest stops to get it all back to the house coz I couldn’t put it on my back for fear of splitting the big rucksack. We watched The Power of Parker and a film called Submarine based on the novel by Joe Dunthorne. Then some gameshows and Gone fishing. Electricity off so I’m writing by torchlight. Hopefully power restored soon. 9.42pm.

Monday 4th September 2023

Been trying to curtail the use of expletives in my writing this year but today was total and utter fucking shit. I’m sick to death of jumping through bureaucratic hoops to find info that I personally don’t use. If you want me to do your bidding then make the route to the task a bit less fucking cryptic. Have a bastard system that works. At least I got my online security reduced from £79.99 to £29.99, so I saved myself fifty quid for a mere forty minutes of effort. But basically, had another mental blowout. I fucking hate all the bullshit.  Sick of living like shit for a bastard pittance. Be a writer? Fuck it. Anyway, this is my daily ‘quota’. 11.19pm.

Tuesday 5th September 2023

Up at six to charge camcorder batteries, do morning pages and make up a book. I prepped some ideas for poetry and fiction sessions. Did some online training. Completed college paperwork. Been out on the Sonder bike. First time in shorts and thin top for months. The big fallen tree that was blocking one of my favourite trails has been removed. I managed a little hill climb off the bridge at Shotley and I’m getting better at keeping the bike up on the back wheel. Sixteen hops. I should be able to nudge myself to the edge of any ledge no sweat. Pity the bottom bracket and crank have started to creak. Sent off college docs. Will take hard copy to Waddy on Thursday. I’d like to read a David Gaffney story tonight but I’m too tired. OK. 11.20pm.

Wednesday 6th September 2023

Busy day. I got a lot of Harry Gallagher’s "Echoes of a Pit Village" pamphlet re-tweaked today. The college sent my safeguarding certificate this lunchtime. I got Harry's cover sorted. Made various versions. I read a couple of David Gaffney stories. Intriguing little tales with some familiar musical references. It’s been super warm again today. But I haven’t been outside. I’m still in shorts and t-shirt at quarter to eleven. I am way behind. Managed to plan a workshop and make up copies of Big Old Left Toe. Tomorrow I will be at Waddy, trying to make up copies of Harry’s book. I will need all my workshop stuff for Friday. I found some old Redbeck Press publicity. And a copy of Off The Wall magazine I had a poem in 32 years ago. So much clutter to wade through. 10.50pm.

Thursday 7th September 2023

Think I was up at half six. Did pages then put all the workshop handouts in order, did photocopying for Washington session. Didn’t need to get copier paper as I managed to find random sheets strewn about the bedroom. I sorted out clothes for the weekend coz I’ll be away till Sunday night. Decided to ride the Rockhopper into Consett, got money from the ATM then asked the doorman of Barry’s to get me two tins of chilli. Then I took my bike into the card factory and bought a birthday card. Then I rode down to Tesco. Thought I might as well get a ream of paper if they’d let me take my bike in. This afternoon I bused to Durham. Got cover samples and two sets of Harry’s booklet pages printed thanks to Peter. I made a book up, had chilli. Ran off more test copies. Did stage notes for Poetry Jam. Hosted it. Tolu, Sam Szanto and Chris Hodgson. And some ace open mic. We were done by 20 past nine. Now on X21 to Gateshead. Will be at Jen’s just after eleven. OK. 10.48pm.

Friday 8th September 2023

Me and Jenni were up quite early this morning. Had breakfast, packed the bags. I polished a pair of DM shoes and got the bus to Gateshead. Bought chicken and mushroom slice, peanuts and bananas for dinner. The buses were okay to Arts Centre Washington. Session was good. New room. Builders cleaned up after themselves before my session. Absurd words, RLF writers, ‘I Write’ into journaling essay. Then steppingstones. Doesn’t sound much on paper but it was full on. Today was super-hot. I wore shorts to and from the venue. Me and Jenni had spicy bean burgers for tea. We watched gameshows including Pop Master. Then the Some Mothers Do Have ’em documentary. Then Greg Davies standup. We talked logistics for the trip to Morecambe in a fortnight. I hope this is autumn is good one. 11.23pm.

Saturday 9th September 2023

Awoken at 5.30am by excruciating pain in my hand which turned out to be a wasp sting. Went to pharmacy on advice of NHS and got the okay. Had beans on toast for dinner with cheese. Met up with Harry Gallagher this afternoon to okay his booklet pages. Had drinks at Station East afterwards. More provisions at Tesco then a pizza and salad for tea. Big sleep afterwards plus Alice Cooper live at Montreux when I woke up. OK. 10.45pm.

Sunday 10th September 2023

Jenni gave me some bread and cheese and checked bus times for me before leaving for Blackpool. I got the 10.34am to Consett. Nearly put my back out carrying all the stuff back after the weekend away. Writing Magazine was on the mat when I got back. I read Written in Blood writers guide to horror fiction. Most How To books for fiction put me off completely. Today I feel like giving up writing – beyond a personal diary – and just getting an ordinary part-time job. But I won’t coz I’ll be okay in a day or two and a proper job would kill me. 11.07pm.

Monday 11th September 2023

Started in on the corrections for Harry’s pamphlet. Worked till about four then switched to my own notes. This evening I listened to Bastette and PIL and read bits about Lydon, Jordan, Emo book ‘Negatives’, and checked out old copies of ‘Screams from the Balcony’ the Bukowski letters online. Jenni appears to be having a good time in Blackpool. I’ve not been out today. The weather is pretty shit. News online likewise. Sick of all the scare stories about New Energy Bill and re-emergence of covid. Hope we don’t get forced into more stupid shit this winter. I think I’m done with writing. I want to keep doing books but I’ve not got a lot left in me. I want to read and listen to music. Hope I get all my notes done tomorrow. 11.07pm.

Tuesday 12th September 2023

Did some tweaks on Harry’s pamphlet master and aim to get some covers printed tomorrow. Been at the computer for about ten or eleven hours. I read the opening pages of Season of the Witch online this evening. I’d like to own a copy. Think I need an early night. Hammered. 9.34pm.

Wednesday 13th September 2023

Left the house at half seven to print fifty booklet covers. On the bus home, three and a half hours later, I noticed some wording had moved slightly. By the time I got back to Moorside I just wanted to be out of the sight of people. I tore all the covers up. I’ll try again on Friday. And be more careful when adjusting margins. I am fucking sick of everything at present. Struggling to keep going. I don’t earn anywhere near what people think I earn. I can’t even afford running hot water. Going to bed soon and hope tomorrow is better. 9.41pm.

Thursday 14th September 2023

Enjoyed the process of collecting material and making handouts for tomorrow’s writing workshop. Greatly relieved to see my bank balance back in the black. I am due a bit more money soon. I bought paper for Harry’s booklet ‘Echoes of a Pit Village’. This evening I went into Castleside quarry but had to carry my Sonder bike around huge pools of muddy water. I found some pallets set up for trials, but a motorcyclist was there, so I’ll try another time. Back home, I fell asleep on the couch. I should be in bed now. 10.16pm.

Friday 15th September 2023

Up at 5.20am. Did morning pages. Packed a bag for book printing at Waddy in Durham. I got fifty copies of Harry Gallagher’s ‘Echoes from a Pit Village’ printed then went off to Newcastle in search of endpapers. Had to buy multipacks to get what I wanted. Took the long route via Beamish back to Chester le Street for Bullion Hall session. One-minute sentences. Small stones and steppingstones. Two hours. I slept on the bus back. One bus didn’t turn up, so I didn’t get home till 20 to seven. Out for twelve hours. Ate crisps and drank squash. Off to bed soon. 10.47pm.

Saturday 16th September 2023

Bacon sandwich then a nip to local shop before starting in on booklet assembly for Harry Gallagher. Got all fifty copies stapled. Had a chicken and veg meal then read through this month’s notes. Not enough for a pamphlet yet. Doing one every month might be the stupidest idea I’ve ever come up with. I might have to so a solo writing marathon. 10.47am.

Sunday 17th September 2023

Pleased to get the initial batch of Harry’s books trimmed for the Boldon and Cleadon Community Library project. Found out afterwards, the library wants an additional twenty copies with option to buy more. This evening I was too tired to do anything except eat my chicken dinner, wash shorts, and get a shave. Read a bit of freelance advice then fell asleep. 11.06pm.

Monday 18th September 2023

Got all of Harry’s pamphlets packed up for collection from Waddy tomorrow. Sent a couple of invoices so hopefully paid by the end of the week. Out this evening on the bike for an hour. Everywhere too boggy. I wanted to ride on the pallets in the quarry but couldn’t get a decent run up due to all the mud. The bike needs a good clean… I’m chuffed with the vignettes that are coming in morning pages. I’m aiming for fictional stuff, not self-referential. A bit like my Tiny Tales from March. These new pieces are character sketches and observations. I’m off to bed soon. OK. 10.15pm.

Tuesday 19th September 2023

Rain didn’t spoil my day. I got all my stuff packed up and out for the half nine bus. Discovered that a Go North East bus strike might taking place in a fortnight. I got more books printed. Harry read a poem in Waddy writing session and talked a bit about the booklet. When he left, one of the writers asked if we could have a guest pop-up poet for the start of every session. Maybe on YouTube, but not for real. I’m pleased to have the required number of participants for my course. Pleased I got to read 'Holiday on Death Row' by Roger McGough on the bus there; then 'Record and Play' by Degna Stone on the ride back. Had chilli and rice then vegetated at the computer. House is starting to get cold of an evening. Hat and thermals soon. 10.10pm.

Wednesday 20th September 2023

Long session copying up two months of stray entries for my work logbook and gratitude journal. Interspersed the work with meal breaks. Cheese and tomato sandwiches. Orange chocolate bars. Mince and veg with Yorkshire puddings. Listened to Black Metal by Venom from 1982. Then a full Public Image Limited gig filmed in Swansea just last week. It went some way to make up for not buying a ticket for this week’s PIL gig at Sunderland Fire Station. 10.42pm.

Thursday 21st September 2023

Made up another twenty copies of Harry’s pamphlet. Got out on the bike for a couple of hours. Shady trails now turned to gloop. No return to my favourite route till next spring. Did the Poetry Jam poster tonight. Got books packed up for Morecambe Poetry Festival. Workshop prep done for tomorrow. I knacked my big toe just crouching down to look through stock in the back room a couple of hours ago. I sat through Question Time. These people seem to live on a different planet from the one where I reside. I don’t think I should really talk about politics, to be honest. I’m pleased with my daily output towards the next pamphlet which, all being well, I aim to pull together next week. 11.55pm.

Friday 22nd September 2023

Up early and a bit stressed getting stuff ready for the big weekend. Got to Arts Centre Washington by half ten. Got stuck, briefly, in the new lift but okay. Nine people attended the session. MA graduates, ex-army and police, ex-head teacher, amongst others. It was full-on. Lots of readings and discussion. A repeat of last week’s Bullion Hall session, with Dilation of a Moment in Time replacing steppingstones. Three people wrote about stuff they’ve been wanting to tackle for a while. Later, I heard a bus driver talking about the strike. If it goes ahead, I will struggle to get to work. Got back to Jen’s at four o’clock. Sat for a while then back out to buy stuff for tea. Had a big lazy evening. Watched highly engaging Bob Ross art show. Landscape in oil. Ate nuts and oranges, drank squash. Still need to tweak bits of my poetry set for tomorrow. I’ll look at it on the train. 9.00pm.

Saturday 23rd September 2023

Awake about half four and couldn’t get back to sleep so I started in on the morning pages. I typed up two days of notes as well. Me and Jenni got up at half six to get ready for the train. We changed at Carlisle, then onto Lancaster, then switch for a ten-minute ride to Morecambe. First poets I saw on the street were Steve Pottinger and Emma Purshouse. Then, outside the venue, John Hegley. Then a rather frail-looking elderly man in a long coat and baseball cap asked me where the poetry would be taking place. It was Roger McGough. I pointed him in the direction of ace festival organiser Matt Panesh. Me and Jenni enjoyed out sets for Born Lippy takeover this afternoon. Thanks to Donald Jenkins and Matt for inviting us. We saw the Nottingham poets then sets from Steve Pottinger and Emma Purshouse who were both outstanding. Jenni had pasta and I had a burger from the artists' menu, then we took our bags to the hotel. Then back into town to see Roger McGough at the Winter Gardens. Gerry Potter was up first, then Jackie Hagan did a mint set. After the break, Roger came on and did some stories about his career to warm up before going into the big hitter poems, some of which were familiar from his early books. He did about forty minutes then was interviewed by Henry Normal. I got 'Holiday on Death Row' signed. Me and Jenni had chips on the way back to the hotel. Both knackered now. 11.20pm.

Sunday 24th September 2023

Me and Jenni had a good full English breakfast. Three courses for me: yoghurt, bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade. Oh, and a slice of watermelon. We saw Rose Condo’s excellent How To Starve an Artist show at Johnny’s Sports Bar then everyone present was treated to a free Sunday lunch. There was so much poetry this afternoon I couldn't process it all. But the standout for me was the "All we've Got Time For" poetry theatre show from Hull’s FOUR JOHNS featuring Jim Higo and friends – none of them called John. Also met Verse Cycle poet Caroline Burrows who did a fifteen-minute set with her bike onstage. Afterwards, she took my photo to send to Elaine Cusack. At the Winter Gardens we saw Jackie Kay, who was warm and engaging. Then Carol Ann Duffy. We’re now back at Johnny’s Sports Bar for the final performances. David Lee Morgan has just been on. Still a few more turns before Matt Panesh closes the show. 11.15pm.

Monday 25th September 2023

I’ve damaged my back carrying a full wheelie case down three flights of hotel stairs this morning. On the way back to Newcastle we stopped off in Carlisle for an hour. Devised a podcast/video series idea that I’ll keep under wraps for now. Suffice to say once off the ground it will make me and Jenni household names. I went back to her place for an hour. Then got a bus to Consett. The strike looks set to go ahead next week. I can’t see my being able to ride a bike if my back is still bad. I am way behind on work but too tired to do anything tonight. Turning in early with hopes of being able to get a good start in the morning. I’m concerned about lack of income. Lack of opportunities. Don’t think I’ve got enough material for a little pamphlet. I’ll see tomorrow night. 10.06pm.

Tuesday 26th September 2023

Excruciating backpain. Couldn’t turn over in bed. Needed painkillers to walk and bend. Did a bit of editing on the new pamphlet. No title yet. Possibly “Cockroaches on Toast” or “Two Plus Two is Five”. I’d like it to have handwritten pages but think I’ll just use the typed manuscript run through the laser printer’s booklet function. My session at Waddy went well. Absurd words. Notebooks. Seven Ways of Seeing. Gulty Pleasures and Secrets. Tonight, I got the booklet down to a better edit. It’s getting chilly. Will need a hat and joggers in bed in a week or so. No biking for a while. Big storm forecast for tomorrow. 11.45pm.

Wednesday 27th September 2023

Long day. Back not so bad. Only used painkillers this evening. Came up with a colour cover for the next pamphlet. Got all the bits and pieces together for tomorrow’s Brunswick workshops. Me and Jenni had a great time at The Stanza. Steve Lancaster gets better and better. He opened with some light animal poems then did a darker piece about a gibbet. Ann Porro is one of the very best on the circuit. She totally nailed her set. Loved her poem The Drop and her genuine interest in skateboarding. Jack and Sam of Silly Billies were hilarious and utterly ridiculous. I love the surreal aspect to their performances. I loved the paintings – particularly Lou Reed with a pensioner. I liked the bear and the bad gig reviews. The blueberry massage is just bonkers. Mandy Maxwell’s Vaseline poem was great. David Roe stood in for Sharon Milley and read a strong piece about failings of the DWP. Open mic had poems about the sea, Halloween and early Christmas; and a story about giving and receiving expensive gifts. And I was particularly struck by some single line poems from Renata Connors. Jenni stayed out in Newcastle with friends. I got a cheap pasty at Tesco and a packet of peanuts. 11.53pm.

Thursday 28th September 2023

Up early to get sorted for my workshops at Brunswick Methodist Church today. I got there at half nine. Reception. Drinks. Then sat in on a prose workshop and wrote a piece from a visual prompt about a dog. Val Scully gave a talk about leaving an MA course to go it alone as a successful writer of self-published historical fiction. My workshops were this afternoon. I did four poetry exercises in an hour with one group. Then repeated the session with a second group. I got paid in cash straight after the session and sold a copy of Laughter to Split Glass. I’ve left most of my stuff at Jen’s place coz unfortunately it looks like the bus strike is going ahead and I’ll need to get a train to Waddy from Newcastle next week. I had tea then got the last X71 of the day to Consett. Spent eight quid on some essential food items then walked home. I read through my pamphlet. It’s now called 'September Scrapbook' and requires further edits. Hopefully good to go by Saturday. 10.21pm.

Friday 29th September 2023

Proofed and tweaked 'September Scrapbook'. Then went to Waddy to get the covers printed. Spoke to Simon Craig’s sister, Alison, on the bus to Durham. I only got to see The Cult at Newcastle City Hall in 1985 coz she had a spare ticket. Tonight, I got more proofing done. The pamphlet contains forty-eight prose fragments and will be published tomorrow. 11.53pm.

Saturday 30th September 2023

Full day getting my little 'September Scrapbook' pamphlet over the line. I could have broken much of the text into free verse but kept it mostly in prose paragraph format. In some instances, up to five pieces on a single page. I’m really chuffed with it. Pleased to take a fictional approach and nothing too self-referential for a change. Nine down, three to go. Wonder what October brings… 11.44pm.

'Echoes from A Pit Village' by Harry Gallagher is available from Boldon and Cleadon Community Library and the author

September Scrapbook is available HERE

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