Morning pages at six thirty today. Then back to sleep for a couple of hours. Shaved, then chicken jalfrezi. Today was my first ever visit to a supermarket on a New Year’s Day. Picked up bargain cookies and mince pies. Was tempted to buy Neil Oliver’s ‘The Story of the World in 1000 Moments’. Me and Jenni watched ‘Death to 2021’ and ‘Cum On Feel The Noize’ heavy metal documentary then a profile of Cameron McIntosh; also Taskmaster and Gogglebox. 11.13pm.
Finished morning pages just after quarter past ten. Chatted with Jenni before she went to work. I washed up then went to Tesco. I bought the Neil Oliver book. Had pie and mash for dinner. I read a bit of the book and some journaling guides. The bus tonight was busy till it reached Chopwell. The house was okay. I read a few more journaling exercises and will read some more of the Adam Nergal Darski book in bed. 10.35pm.
Monday 3rd January 2022
It was good to get out on the bike today. Just a little ride over to Leadgate and back on the cycle path. Quite windy but not really cold. Surprised when looking out the window to see snow after dark. I’ve mainly been typing. And reading from a screen – which isn’t good for the eyes – mostly about covid from the ‘look inside’ feature of Amazon for ‘A State of Fear’ by Laura Dodsworth, which I would consider buying if I didn’t have seven or eight others lined up – including the Alan Davies memoir, Resistance by Tori Amos, and Out of the Darkness short story anthology by horror writers in support of Together for Mental Wellbeing. I will spend tomorrow at the keyboard then hopefully a couple of days on other creativity. OK. 11.40pm.
It was great to hear and see Perfect Day ‘featuring various artists’ on YouTube tonight. I remember being totally blown away by it when the BBC slipped it into their programming unannounced one night back in the late nineties, back when I had a tv that worked properly. I’ve liked Lou Reed since the release of his 1989 ‘New York’ album. Tonight, I watched a posthumous celebration documentary made about him in 2013. I was surprised to see Boy George speaking so enthusiastically about Reed’s early work from the seventies. Today I’ve been typing up bits from this time last year. Similar resolutions – some goals met; some I’m still working towards. I thought today was Wednesday; now I’ve got an extra day so I can take it easy on the planning tomorrow. I didn’t watch the PM’s public service announcement this evening. I’m just pleased there are no further restrictions. Roll on late March when things lighten up. OK. 11.40pm.
Wednesday 5th January 2022
Good to get a lesson planned and some of the scheme of learning in place for the next Waddington Street Centre creative writing course. Good to get out on the bike again, despite the bracing cold air. What last week would have been considered a carefree trundle along backstreets of Consett, today became a trials riding session due to the simple addition of sheet ice all over the place. Go very slowly, gentle on the brakes and don’t lean over. And watch out for cars at the junctions. And slippery, sliding school kids as well. I could have used the road from Consett to Moorside, but I’d rather take my chances with the icy footpath than dodge cars and lorries that overtake bikes at traffic islands. Tonight, I got a bit more college stuff done and listened to Lou Reed live tracks from ‘Magic and Loss’ and ‘New York’. 11.41pm.
Thursday 6th January 2022
Really good to chat online with Anna who used to work at Waddy. She asked about Poetry Jam. Until we get rid of masks and social distancing, I won’t be running any open floor readings. I got some shopping in but forgot cheese. I will be mostly living on soup, scrambled eggs on toast, porridge, sweet mince pies and oranges. The house isn’t great tonight. The cold fucks with my head. It was the same last winter. I forgot how much of an ordeal an unheated house is in January. I am hanging on for springtime. I hope my body can hold out to enjoy a few more summers. I’m aiming for about nine hours sleep tonight. 10.26pm.
Friday 7th January 2022
A full downstairs day. Being at the desktop computer yesterday made me feel sick – big headache and anxiety. I finished the Nergal book. More on his leukaemia and apostasy, but not much on the occult. Wished Ernie a happy birthday on the phone. Spoke to mam as well. Her knee is playing up with the cold. My shoulder isn’t too great. Did some physio and abdominal exercise before dinner. Had tomato soup and a sweet mince pie. Went out on the bike. Mainly stuck to clear roads and ended up in Bridgehill then went up to Blackfyne and along to Consett. I rode the snowy cycle path back to The Grove then used the road to Moorside. This evening I’ve been reading essays on the craft of writing ‘uncanny’ fiction. Robert Shearman’s stuff about Daphne Du Maurier and the sick humour of Roald Dahl, along with his own literary transgressions, was forty pages and bloody brilliant. Zero degrees tonight but so what. 11.45pm.
Saturday 8th January 2022
Most of the Robert Shearman books are out of print or super expensive but I found a few stories online. Mortal Coil is about people getting cards through the post informing them of when and how they will die. The Reason We Can’t Have Nice Things is about a failed novelist who spots someone in public reading the author’s book and follows him towards a bizarre conclusion. It was good to chat with Jenni online and watch two sets of Rollins spoken word from Wacken Festival 2016. Pity he won’t be in Europe and UK now due to covid. Fucking sick of it. 11.22pm.
Sunday 9th January 2022
Sod’s law! The day I buy some thermal socks (£5 a pair) the temperature rises, and I don’t need them. But last night it seemed like I had fucking frostbite in my big old left toe. Good day downstairs reading bits on the history of magic then medical studies stating cloth masks are pretty much useless and should be scrapped. Roll on 26th January. 11.52pm.
Monday 10th January 2022
Long cold day. Pleased to get my lesson plan done for tomorrow and a shave. I’ve sorted clean clothes as well. It’s been a bit of a lazy night. Just watching a documentary about the assassination of JFK and American links to Hitler. All lovely relaxing viewing. I’m struggling to do much because of the temperature. I didn’t get out on the bike. Good to hear from Jenni. There is an open mic event on at Tynemouth tomorrow, but I don’t think I’ll be going. It’s free entry but I can’t really afford the metro ride and drinks. I aim to stay off the big computer tomorrow. If possible, just read when I get home. I own loads of books I will never get through. 10.47pm.
Tuesday 11th January 2022
Today’s session at Waddy went very well. As is often the case, I prepared more material than necessary and have overspill for next week. Jenni was in touch tonight; she says I would have enjoyed Penny Blackburn’s poetry and prose open mic night. I was tempted to go. I saw a 21 bus to Newcastle but didn’t have the venue address and no guarantee of WiFi to get it. Back home, I just relaxed. Had a natter online and watched the latest political shambles on Newsnight. I wonder why these parties are being revealed now. Will he resign or get booted out? It’s all just theatre anyway. They’re all dodgy. 11.47pm.
Wednesday 12th January 2022
Finding the motivation to ride the bike in winter – when it’s difficult to even concentrate indoors coz the house is so cold – is quite a struggle. But the sun was shining this afternoon, so I made the effort. Heated my trainers and beanie with a hair dryer. Wore two pairs of gloves and hit the road. Just another ride over to Leadgate and back but faster than last time. The old bike is riding okay. Even after fifteen and a half years. My right shoulder isn’t great. Didn’t do any physio today. Watched some of the fallout from Johnson’s so-called apology. If he goes, they’ll just install another person who will probably be more draconian. A lot of people seem to want their own movements curtailed – why, I don’t know. I watched a bit of biketrial and listened to the ‘Everything’ nineties spoken word album by Henry Rollins. OK. 11.35pm
Thursday 13th January 2022
Good day. I went down to Waddy this morning and got a reprint of Elaine Cusack’s ‘Loose Threads and Sacred Spaces’. The green on the cover came out darker than expected but the new version should look just as good as the others. I got my shopping sorted on the way back but had to wait over half an hour for a bus from Consett coz the twenty past one didn’t turn up. Back home for lentil and bacon soup then email updates. Got my bag packed and off to Newcastle. Took two Waterstones staff members and thirty minutes to locate the solitary copy of ‘A State of Fear’ by Laura Dodsworth. Just as they were about to order me one, I checked the Politics section and there it was. Got to Jen’s just before six. We pissed ourselves laughing at The Apprentice. Even Dragons Den astounds me. I don’t have a head for business. I have too much self-respect to bullshit people into buying stuff they don’t want. I’m taking a couple of days off and will work at the weekend instead. Okay. 11.25pm.
Friday 14th January 2022
Long lie in rereading morning pages. Only a few passages worth typing up. Been looking at political stuff. Got into bother speaking my mind. Me and Jen had vegetable/mushroom soup for dinner. Then out to Gateshead. I restocked the porridge. I’m okay with gruel twice a day, made with water and a dash of orange squash. I try to get by frugally. Tonight, me and Jenni watched Don’t Look Up and Jimmy Carr’s Dark Materials. I fell asleep during the latter. Jenni is watching musical clips on YouTube. I will be in bed soon. 11.11pm.
Saturday 15th January 2022
Read through the previous eight days of morning pages. Some decent bits I want to type up. Me and Jenni watched In and Of Itself, a one-man show of storytelling and illusion. Then a new film called Save the Cinema set in Wales and based on a true story. This evening I heard a rave keyboard player outside The Gate and rowdy female footie fans in Eldon Square bus station. Good to read the first fifty pages of ‘A State of Fear’ by Laura Dodsworth. 10.55pm.
Sunday 16th January 2022
Spent all day reading ‘A State of Fear’ by Laura Dodsworth. If people are angry about Downing Street parties, they might be apoplectic if they read this book. It examines how behavioural psychologists used underhand tactics to manipulate the public. It’s well written and highly engaging. My only criticisms: some of the commentators are anonymous (most aren’t) and the book might make some people more frightened. Recommended reading for all who are interested in the mental wellbeing of the nation. 11.31pm.
Monday 17th January 2022
Lethargic. Chuffed to get my stuff together for the next two workshops. Waddy on Tuesday and Bullion Hall in Chester le Street on Wednesday. But I’m struggling with the cold weather. I wanted to go out on the bike but stayed indoors to plough on. I haven’t seen any bike vids for a while. Tried to read some short fiction but fell asleep. Woke up freezing. Been warming up drinks in the microwave but not finishing them. Would like a hot sandwich for supper but that would require sausages. Newsnight is on. I preferred ‘Tracks of My Years’ featuring Emily Maitliss; she likes The Housemartins, The Communards, Pulp, Blur, Primal Scream, Leonard Cohen… I should try to get off to bed but am quite awake now. Fingers crossed tomorrow is good. 10.52pm.
Tuesday 18th January 2022
Yay! Much better day. Enjoyed the prep for the Waddy workshop. Full attendance too. Although some left early to avoid busy buses. I did some journal stuff and poetry stuff. Looked at outlets for fiction. The bus journeys were okay. I enjoyed my tomato pasta and fries tonight. And I enjoyed the prep for my first ever Bullion Hall session. It was good to go through old notebooks to pull the final bits and pieces together. I also read some Geoff Hattersley poems and bits on covid and climate change. Newsnight is on but I’m going to bed. 10.44pm.
Wednesday 19th January 2022
The workshop was good at Bullion Hall. Perhaps I took too much stuff, but it made a focal point in the middle of the room. I did a ten-minute gig and made some notebooks and did a few exercises. Acrostic poems, solo and collaborative. ‘I remember…’, finish the sentence, objects and lies. It was good to meet new people and be challenged to motivate non-writers. I slept on the bus back and checked info about the latest covid stuff. I listened to a bit of Max Igan. He is a bit of a positivity guru. ‘Consider everything but believe nothing’. I’m having a relaxed evening. I’m going to do some bookmaking for Elaine Cusack and I need to get the next two sessions sorted. I’m 52 next week and I’ll probably be at Jen’s place. So I need to know what I’m going to do for the next sessions before the weekend. I’m a bit tired now and my feet are numb. Wish I could ride the bike more often. Big frost coming. 11.47pm.
Thursday 20th January 2022
Yay! Chuffed to get Elaine’s pamphlets done. The kraft card with green ink and green Canson endpaper looks sweet, and the card feels like soft cork but is quite thick. I started to pull some poems from my hard drive into a new file for solo student collections but got side-tracked by a Facebook request for thoughts on lifting of restrictions next week. I went to town on it and wrote a mega rant. I’m not a scientist or a virologist; I care about freedom of movement and keeping tabs on tyrants. Anyway, good to hear some Motorhead and let rip at the keyboard. 11.55pm.
Friday 21st January 2022
Didn’t get out of bed till almost ten. I got out on the bike for the usual route to Leadgate. Still finding work hard at present maybe due to the cold house. Was good to see the Meat Loaf documentary again tonight. Always loved Bat out of Hell, since I was a kid. I will try to work three days from tomorrow. I want to eat lots of sweet things but don’t have many. 11.19pm.
Saturday 22nd January 2022
Copied up three weeks of worklog and gratitude journal. More planning for the second Bullion Hall workshop including a lot of reading. Lesson plans, and consolidation of work for a student’s solo pamphlet. Got a bit of a migraine and felt sick so took an hour out this evening. Early supper and ready to turn in. But the big computer is still droning away. 10.29pm.
Sunday 23rd January 2022
Forgot to do morning pages yesterday, so did six sides today instead of three. Went into town for razors and food supplies. Slept a bit this afternoon. Typed up lesson plans and some workshop poems from Bullion Hall. Listened to Motorhead. 11.55pm.
Monday 24th January 2022
Used to hate Mondays but today was pretty good. Nice to see Ernie this morning. He brought a present and card and an A4 diary from brother Mark. Mam was unwell overnight, so she stayed at home. I didn’t get out on the bike this afternoon coz I had too much to do. The toner cartridge in use since September finally gave up the ghost but not before printing over forty handouts for my next session at Bullion Hall this coming Wednesday. Took me a further two hours this evening to sort out tomorrow’s Ways with Words. I read some Lydia Davis short stories and some bits of Kafka as well. Watched Newsnight. I’m not too concerned about a ten-minute birthday party; I’m concerned about vaccine passports, social credit, the World Economic Forum, and war in the Ukraine. But enough for one day. 11.43pm.
Tuesday 25th January 2022
Awake at six but stayed in bed till about seven doing morning pages. Then porridge and bag packing. I’m doing workshops two days running and needed a change of clothes. The buses were quiet and prompt. Got all my stuff set up for the session at Waddington Street Centre then had a meeting with Elaine Cusack so she could pick up her second printing of ‘Loose Leaves and Sacred Spaces’. I winged some of my session after ditching material planned specifically for someone who at the last minute couldn’t attend. I got a lot of birthday greetings; toffees and a Sinead card from Elaine; money and a new cutting mat from Mam and Ernie; and the diary from Mark. This evening Jenni gave me a rare Robert Shearman book, a new device charger cable, black joggers, Classic Rock magazine, sweets, luxury hot chocolate assortment, playing cards and the Queen with Adam Lambert live cd/dvd set. We ate pizza and chips and watched the ace musical Come from Away about 9/11 aeroplane diversions to Newfoundland. Then some Venom and Behemoth music vids. 10.58pm.
Wednesday 26th January 2022
Canny session at Bullion Hall. Hero poems, read arounds, and a collaborative character sketch. The manager was pleased with the results. Bus rides were fine. I got asked to do a workshop in Hexham. Things are looking up. Jen had two more presents for me when I got back: a Robert Shearman short story triple cd set and ‘Queen with Adam Lambert’ tour programme from the 2017 show we saw in Newcastle. We had an all-day breakfast for tea then relaxed this evening. Jen is playing backgammon online and I’ve been replying to birthday messages. New Tricks is on TV. Only Dennis Waterman of the original cast. I’ve been watching but still have no idea what the story is about. I’ve eaten lots of liquorice allsorts. 11.10pm.
Thursday 27th January 2022
Big lazy day except for a walk into town for supplies and an hour in the kitchen washing crockery. Ate lots of biscuits, watched Tales of the Unexpected, then went to see Leopoldstadt at the Vue Cinema. Afterwards we talked about the holocaust… The big house is super warm coz the central heating has been on all day. I am staying at Jen’s till Sunday. Eating lots of cheese on toast… The Sue Gray report might not be published until next week. Will they boot Johnson out immediately or let him limp on till the May elections? I’m tired now but might stay up a bit. 11.24pm.
Friday 28th January 2022
I ordered ten copies of my book ‘Laughter to Split Glass’ from Red Squirrel Press this afternoon. I’ve started to copy up some bits and pieces from workshops and I’m thinking about poems for an upcoming slam. There are three spoken word nights in a row, Tuesday to Thursday, in the second week of February. I aim to be at all of them. I want to get a batch of morning pages books made soon. 10.45pm.
Saturday 29th January 2022
Awoken at half five by a near hurricane rattling the attic window. We stayed in and watched episodes of Life and Rhymes hosted by Benjamin Zephaniah. Then a game show and the news. Trees blocking roads, chimneys collapsing. This evening we watched a string of musical shows, included one from Manchester Arena and an Evita documentary. It’s fucking cold. Hope my house is okay. 10.25pm.
Sunday 30th January 2022
Long lie in. Jenni got up later than me around twelve. On our way to the shop this afternoon we passed a house with its roof completely blown off. Later, we watched a new film called ‘Munich’ starring Jeremy Irons as Nevil Chamberlain. Tonight, three more episodes of Life and Rhymes. Some good poems. 10.56pm.
Monday 31st January 2022
Got off the bus in Consett this morning and was told by a neighbour that water has been blasting out of the overflow pipe at my house. My next-door neighbour kindly reported it to Northumbrian Water who turned off my supply. By half twelve a plumber, my cousin, was in the attic replacing a tank ballcock valve and getting things back in working order. I got my workshop sorted for tomorrow. Thanks to Jenni for suggesting some of the painters whose work was chosen as writing prompts. Watched Hans Rey and Katie Kookaburra bike vids on YouTube and The Nilsen Files on iPlayer. 11.03pm.
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